Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Stranger of Culiat Bridge

in a little cramp space,
where time slips in and peeks
with furtive lashes,
a mumbled prayer is realized:
it took the form of a
lover in red,
mysterious lips in a half-smile,
a knowing crease between the brows;
there is beauty in her eyes,
a wise radiance that seems to
come from a dream.

a strange guest indeed, the neighbors had.
a strange guest in a strange house under
the bridge of 'Culiat,' where buses and trucks
disturbs the peace of sleep,
the calmness of breathing,
and the ritual of meditation.

in a little cramp space,
where time slips in and peeks
with furtive lashes,
a mumbled prayer is realized:
the lover in red
smiled down at the little girl
and said, "you've had enough,"
and then the girl smiled her last.

the trucks and the buses never stopped,
the family was out selling rags,
only her breathing
and her smile stopped.

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